naude (at)

The "Digital Gateway to Korean Antiquity" (DGKA) project is a pioneering initiative aimed at unlocking the rich historical tapestry of Korea through the digitization of significant documents and artifacts from the Silla, Goryeo, and Joseon Dynasties. This endeavor seeks to transcend traditional barriers to access by creating a dynamic online archive of documents and relics never before seen in the West that will serve both academic scholars and the general public worldwide in English.

Ancient Origins

Jurokoreojaponic Language Family -An interactive model of language evolution for Manchu, Korea and Japanese. Includes secondary influences such as Sinification or Mongolisation of specific branches. This is a very complex and ongoing project into the restoration of a proto-typic language family. The first instalment has passed peer review and will be published by the Journal of Sino-Korean Studies in English with Manchu and Middle Korean (early Joseon Dynasty) textual comparison.

The above is an interactive model. Please click on the image to access the model from its source or alternatively use the interactive panel below.


Anti-Asian Rhetoric

"Sociolinguistic Analysis of how Anti-Chinese Sentiments on Twitter/ by Faux China Experts become Catalyst for Anti-East Asian Racism and Prejudice"

 「社會語言學分析假中國專家在 Twitter/ 上的反華情緒如何成為反東亞種族主義和偏見的催化劑」

這項研究探討了社群媒體上反華情緒的高漲,特別是假中國專家在延續反東亞種族主義和偏見方面所扮演的角色。 這項研究追溯歷史偏見,例如排華法案和戰時宣傳,說明這些偏見如何在數位時代被重新利用,將東亞人塑造成永遠的外國人和西方的對手。 該研究採用以語言分析為重點的混合方法,分析了以前稱為的內容,研究了自稱專家的敘述及其對公眾認知的影響。 調查結果顯示,這些專家往往受到個人利益的驅使,利用聳人聽聞且未經證實的說法來強化刻板印象並加劇種族緊張局勢。 該研究還強調了東亞人獨特的種族定位,加劇了他們對特定形式種族主義的脆弱性。 它深入研究了中國、韓國和日本的地區差異,揭示了蓄意消極和策略性利用錯誤訊息的共同主題。 這些敘述不僅加深了東亞人和其他群體之間的分歧,也加劇了東亞社區內部的緊張局勢。 對未來研究的建議包括調查社交媒體演算法、跨文化認知、錯誤訊息的長期影響、反敘事的有效性以及線上迴聲室的作用。 這項研究有助於全面了解社群媒體如何塑造種族觀念並加劇族裔間衝突,強調需要採取強有力的對策並促進更準確地代表東亞社區。

This study explores the surge in anti-Chinese sentiments on social media, particularly the role of faux China experts in perpetuating anti-East Asian racism and prejudice. Tracing back to historical prejudices, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act and wartime propaganda, this research illustrates how these biases have been repurposed in the digital era, casting East Asians as perpetual foreigners and adversaries of the West. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach with a focus on linguistic analysis, the study analyses content from (formerly, examining the narratives propagated by self-proclaimed experts and their impact on public perception. Findings reveal that these experts, often driven by personal gain, use sensationalized and unsubstantiated claims to reinforce stereotypes and exacerbate racial tensions. The study also highlights the unique racial positioning of East Asians, exacerbating their vulnerability to specific forms of racism. It delves into the regional differences across China, Korea, and Japan, uncovering a common theme of deliberate negativity and the strategic use of misinformation. These narratives not only deepen divisions between East Asians and other groups but also fuel tensions within East Asian communities. Recommendations for future research include investigating social media algorithms, cross-cultural perceptions, long-term effects of misinformation, effectiveness of counter-narratives, and the role of online echo chambers. This research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of how social media shapes racial perceptions and exacerbates inter-ethnic conflicts, underscoring the need for robust countermeasures and promoting a more accurate representation of East Asian communities.