
A few words about the Professor

Greetings all, my name is Dr. Alaric Naudé, firstly, thank you for visiting this website. I am a Professor of Linguistics at University of Suwon, devoted to merging historical research with contemporary sociolinguistic studies. My academic career has included various roles at Suwon Science College and Seoul National University of Education in South Korea, as well as collaborative initiatives with Griffith University and the University of Queensland in Australia.

Through an interdisciplinary methodology, I integrate sociolinguistic, historical, and biological principles to deeply analyze and interpret the interplay between linguistic evolution and societal developments. I offer a spectrum of courses from clinical English to translation and historical texts, focusing on developing critical analytical skills and effective communication among my students. Active in numerous academic associations such as the National Research Foundation of Korea, the Sino-Korean Studies Society(中韓研究學會) Cognitive Linguistics Association (Netherlands) , and Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (日本看護英語教育学会). I am deeply committed to fostering academic exploration and innovative research between East and West as well as increasing Far East Asian cultural literacy and appreciation in the West.

Thank you for visiting my website. I invite you to explore the rich landscape of linguistics with me, as we delve into the complexities of language and its profound impact on society. Why not explore some of my current projects?

안녕하세요,  수원대학교 언어학 교수 노디아 앨러릭 박사입니다. 먼저 이 웹사이트를 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.   역사적 연구와 현대 사회언어학을 결합하는 데 헌신하고 있으며, 제 학문적 경력은 수원과학대학과 서울교육대학교에서의 다양한 역할을 포함해 호주의 그리피스 대학교, 퀸즐랜드 대학교와의 협력 프로젝트까지 아우릅니다.

학제간 방법론을 통해 사회언어학, 역사, 생물학의 원칙을 통합하여 언어의 진화와 사회 발전 간의 상호작용을 깊이 있게 분석하고 해석합니다. 임상 영어, 번역, 역사적 문서 이르는 다양한 과목을 제공하며, 학생들의 비판적 분석 능력과 효과적인 커뮤니케이션 능력 개발에 중점을 둡니다. 한국연구재단, 중한연구학회, 네덜란드 인지언어학회, 일본간호영어교육학회 등 여러 학술 단체에서 활동하고 있으며, 동서양 간의 학문적 탐구와 혁신적 연구를 촉진하고, 서구에서의 극동 아시아 문화의 이해와 감상을 증진하는 데 큰 헌신을 다하고 있습니다.

다시 한번 웹사이트 방문에 감사드리며, 언어의 풍부한 풍경을 함께 탐험하시길 초대합니다. 언어가 사회에 미치는 깊은 영향을 함께 들여다보며,  현재 진행 중인 프로젝트들을 살펴보시는 건 어떨까요?





皆さん、こんにちは。私の名前は能出新陸 ( のうで あらりく) 博士で、水原大学の言語学教授です。まず初めに、このウェブサイトを訪問していただきありがとうございます。私は歴史研究と現代社会言語学研究を融合させることに尽力しています。私の学術キャリアには、韓国の水原科学大学やソウル国立教育大学でのさまざまな役割が含まれており、オーストラリアのグリフィス大学やクイーンズランド大学との共同研究も行っています。学際的な方法論を通じて、社会言語学、歴史、生物学の原理を統合し、言語の進化と社会の発展との相互作用を深く分析し解釈します。臨床英語から翻訳、歴史的テキストまで、多岐にわたるコースを提供し、学生たちの批判的分析スキルと効果的なコミュニケーション能力の向上に焦点を当てています。韓国国立研究財団、中韓研究学会、オランダ認知言語学会、日本看護英語教育学会など、数多くの学術団体で活動しており、東西の学術探求と革新的な研究を促進し、西洋における極東アジア文化のリテラシーと鑑賞を高めることに深くコミットしています。


Academic Background

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Science specialising in Sociolinguistics, Universidad Central de Nicaragua

Doctor of Education specialising in Applied Linguistics, Universidad Azteca

Master of Business and Organisational Communication, Universidad Isabel I de Castille

Master of Business Administration, Universidad Isabel I de Castille

Master of Education, University of Science, Art and Technology  


Bachelor of Arts Business Management with Honours, Buckinghamshire New University

Bachelor of Education, University of Science, Art and Technology


Certificate IV TESOL, Ozford College

Certificate in Spanish for Business, Escuela de Negocios Barcelona

Diploma in Expertise in Coaching & NLP, Universidad Isabel I de Castille

National Bonsai Licence (Senior Level), Korean Bonsai Association

Career History

International College, University of Suwon, Republic of Korea


Department of Nursing Science, Suwon Science College, Republic of Korea

Specialist courses for Medical English, Latin, Greek

Guest Lecturer

Graduate Department, Paris University of International Education

Paris, Republic of France

Teacher Trainer/Lecturer

Department of TESOL,

Seoul National University of Education (서울교육대학교),

Griffith University (Australia) & University of Queensland (Australia)


Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology

Lahore College for Women University 

Northern University Nowshera

University of Education, Lahore

Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

Professional Memberships

Sino-Korean Studies Society (China-Korea)


The Heterodox Academy (USA)

Academic Member 

Global Listening Centre   (U.K & U.S.A) 

Board Member

National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단)  

Academic Member 

Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching

(日本看護英語教育学会)  WWW.JANETORG.COM/ 

Cogling – Cognitive Linguistics Association (Netherlands) 

Academic Member Radboud University,   http://cogling7.ruhosting.nl/

BeNeCLA -Belgium-Netherlands Cognitive Linguistics Association (Benelux)

Academic Member, Radboud University, Netherlands https://benecla.com/members/

KOTESOL 대한영어교육학회  

Member (Formerly) www. koreatesol.org